肌肤印记类似于米粒,通常小于 2 毫米,但有些可以长到 1 厘米甚至 5 厘米宽。如果它们的尺寸增加,那可能需要几个月的时间。
肌肤印记是无痛、非癌性的生长物。它们通过称为花序梗的细小茎与皮肤相连。肌肤印记在男性和女性中都很常见,尤其是在 50 岁之后。它们可以出现在您身体的任何地方,尽管它们通常出现在您的皮肤的褶皱处,例如:
• 腋窝
• 腹股沟
• 大腿
• 眼皮
• 脖子
• 乳房下方的区域
Micro Laser Mole & Skin Tag Removal effectively removes outgrowths present on any part of your body:
Face: The technique is particularly useful for facial growths and acne spots as there is no scarring and the healing period is short.
Armpits / Breasts / Neck / Groin: The technique is often used to remove skin tags under the armpits or breasts, around the V-line of neck, and in the groin.
Arms / Legs / Back: It removes brown spots, solar keratoses, and other growths
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